The Bootleggers List
Brand Identity


The Bootleggers List 由一群專業、秘密的酒品鑑定人員創立,品牌的核心是為提供旅客、在地人一組最棒的口袋清單,推廣更好的品酒經驗。StudioPros 協助從命名、核心建構到視覺規劃,打造高級、神秘、經典的品牌形象。


品牌體驗研究 User Experience
品牌標誌設計 Logomark Design
品牌識別系統  CIS Design


The Bootleggers List 由一群專業、秘密的酒品鑑定人員組成,團隊的目標為提供台北旅客、在地人一組最棒的口袋清單,推廣更好的品酒經驗。




在 The Bootleggers List 專案中,我們協助客戶從品牌命名、核心價值定調開始,將低調神秘的意象融合於品牌名中,藉由視覺風格與印前加工整合延續至相關應用物上,傳達出 The Bootleggers List 其精選高端的品牌意象。


Bootlegger為禁酒令時的走私酒販者或是私家釀酒之人,名稱帶有神秘、反骨的意象。 延續了名稱上的意涵,我們將此品牌命名為「The Bootleggers List」,希望呈現給大眾一種難得、私藏的感受,就像是禁酒令頒布時期,酒品得來不易的感受,每一筆清單上的內容都是經過縝密規劃所得的珍貴資料。

The bootleggers list marks mystery and classics. The logo, featuring a man posing shush, implies the secrecy of the brand: please keep it low-key and do not publicize. Classic is the main style. Utilizing line segments as key vision to create a delicate style. The elements of line extend to related design products, such as websites and advertisements, making the whole project steady and consistent. We choose gold as the embellishment color, deep blue as the brand’s main color, for it brings out the steadiness and classic within the brand. On booklets, we arrange blue and black to form the elegant fashion and to build a high-qualified, professional brand image.


The Bootleggers List 由一群專業、秘密的酒品鑑定人員組成,團隊低調的拜訪了超過100間位於臺北的酒吧,去蕪存菁後,評選出2018年度的10間最佳酒吧。團隊的目標為提供台北旅客、在地人一組最棒的口袋清單,推廣更好的品酒經驗。評鑑標準為酒吧的酒品品質、調酒師的互動以及酒吧內的舒適度等,每一年我們都會更新一次清單提供給酒水愛好者。

Branding Introduction

Similar to what “Michelin stars” are for restaurants - “The Bootleggers List” is a service selecting and ranking the best bar for the cities of Taipei, Singapore and HongKong. 
We just select limited bar the the bar lover.


Bootlegger 為禁酒令時的走私酒販者或是私家釀酒之人,名稱帶有神秘、反骨的意象。 延續了Bootlegger 名稱上的意涵,我們將此品牌命名為 The bootleggers list ,希望呈現給大眾一種難得、私藏的感受,就像是禁酒令頒布時期,酒品得來不意的感受,每一筆清單上的內容都是經過縝密規劃所得的珍貴資料。

Naming Story

In the Prohibition Era, bootlegger was used to refer to those who smuggled illicit wine or brewed liquor on their own. The name has its mysterious and rebellious color. Extending its original meaning, we decide to name the brand “The bootleggers list.” We hope to provide a rare and secret feeling to the public, just as the feelings people had in the Prohibition Era, when the liquors were so hard-earned. Every item on this list is a precious treasure from meticulous planning.

The Bootleggers List
Branding & Campaigns

Design Agency | StudioPros Design
Art Direction | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li
Naming Director | Kai-Hsiang Ho
Visual Design | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li
Product Design | 劉大中 Ta-Chung Liu
Logo Animation Direction | 谷汩文化 Group.G
Logo Animator | 朱啟豪 Chi-Hao Chu、蔡旻學 Min-Hsueh Tsai
Client | The bootleggers list
Photographer | 徐聖淵 Sheng-Yuan Hsu
Printer | 煒陽印刷 Wei-Yang Printing Enterprise Co.,LTD
Date | 2017


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