2022金點新秀設計獎 Young Pin Design Award
Campaign&Key Visual Design

"Shaping the Golden Pin and open up design possibilities"

StudioPros 很榮幸能夠擔任本次金點新秀設計獎的主視覺設計。期待藉由獨特與具有延展性的主視覺,建立學⽣與⾦點新秀獎之間的橋樑,推廣獎項之前瞻性,開啟更多對話與交流。

主視覺概念藉由創造各式風格、型態的金點,將設計所蘊含的想像力與實驗精神延展成多樣性的圖像,展現金點新秀獎所具備的精神與前瞻性。同時,我們希望透過設計企劃邀請各校學生共同創作屬於自己的 PIN,建立社群討論熱度與創造靈感交匯之處,一同詮釋屬於這一個世代的設計能量。


體驗策略 UX Strategy
活動視覺概念 Visual Campaign
活動主視覺 Key Visual Design
活動延伸物 Extension Design



Young Pin Design Award, held in the Young Designers' Exhibition, aims to motivate novice designers in Taiwan to express their creativity and assist young students in integrating design resources and joining the international community, making the public witness how these future superstars rise and shine.


期待藉由獨特與具有延展性的主視覺,建立學⽣與⾦點新秀獎之間的橋樑 ,推廣獎項之前瞻性,開啟更多對話與交流。

We want to build a bridge between students and the award through the unique and extensible design, promoting the forward-looking award and opening more dialogues and discussions.


主視覺概念藉由創造各式風格、型態的金點,將設計所蘊含的想像力與實驗精神延展成多樣性的圖像,展現金點新秀獎所具備的精神與前瞻性,讓 Young Pin 以不同視角去觀看、以不同的色彩、造型去激盪,傳達我們所面對設計時的開放態度,開啟更多未來的可能性。

同時,我們希望透過設計企劃邀請各校學生共同創作屬於自己的 PIN,建立社群討論熱度與創造靈感交匯之處,一同詮釋屬於這一個世代的設計能量。

The concept of the key visual design extends the imagination and experimental spirit contained in designs into a variety of images by creating golden pins in various styles and forms, showing the spirit and forward-looking of this award. With this visual design, Young Pin Design Award embraces different perspectives, allows bold combinations of different colors and shapes, conveys open attitude towards design, and opens up more possibilities in the future.
On top of that, we formulate a project in which school students are invited to create their own "PIN" together to provoke community discussion and create the intersection where creative inspirations meet, so that the whole generation can have their interpretations and show their design energy together.


2022金點新秀設計獎 YoungPin Design Award
Campaign&Key Visual Design

Design Agency | StudioPros Design
Art Direction | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li
Visual Design | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li
Copywriter | 張文馨 Moon Chang
Animation | Duckbubi
Client | 台灣設計研究院 Taiwan Design Research Institute
Date | 2022


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