床邊圖書館 Bedside Books
Brand Identity
Bedside Book 為一間提供讀者不論是坐或躺,都能在店內以最自在舒適方式閱讀的獨立書店。StudioPros 在專案中以「一個能放鬆與書邂逅的場所」的氛圍感建構品牌識別。並整合客戶的使用需求及品牌的核心特色,建構充滿放鬆氛圍感的視覺語彙。
品牌標誌設計 Logomark Design
品牌識別系統 CIS Design
延伸製品設計 Extension Design
在專案中我們以「一個能放鬆與書邂逅的場所」打造品牌的情境。如同一個平靜的夜晚,在整理好狀態後全身放鬆地爬上床,翻開床邊的書本,進入自由而純粹的閱讀時空。視覺設計以「白、淺藍、深藍」為主色調,利用顏色與 Bedside Book 名稱達到更鮮明的情境聯想。圖騰設計以層層綿延的曲線彷彿海浪抑或是雲霧迷漫的山脈,構成簡練、寧靜而流動的視覺感受。書衣包裝為品牌特有的選書服務,因此延伸物設計為圓形貼紙容易與包裝搭配,也傳遞每個服務都是品牌精心的推薦。
Beside Books 是一個提供消費者自在閱讀方式的地方,期待每個進到書店裡的讀者,都可以感到輕鬆與自在的閱讀,如同睡前在床邊閱讀的時刻。
我們擷取書本放置於床頭櫃上的部分視角作為品牌的 Logo 框架,並搭配簡練、柔軟的線條,建構屬於 Beside Books 的視覺語彙。
Bedside Book is a small bookstore that opens at night. Customers in the bookstore are welcomed to read in their most comfortable positions; feel free to sit or lie down. It is built to be a place where we can really relax and meet the books, not just a simple bookstore. It creates a space where we enter, when the moment we finish our work, take a shower, dry our hair, and unfold the book on the bedside. The space that is free and pure, for reading.
The design concept corresponds with the vibe in the bookstore, utilizing simple lines and plain, uncluttered style to present such an interesting bookstore. “Angles from the bedside” starts the design of the logo. The logo can be round or converge into two lines of texts, depending on the usages from different scenarios. Soft lines establish the image of the bookstore. The ups and downs from the lines can be seen as mountains or waves; both are relaxing scenes, just like the bookstore.
床邊圖書館 Bedside Books
Branding & Visual Identification Design
Design Agency | StudioPros Design
Art Direction & Graphic Design | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li
Photographer | Wanwan Chang / 徐聖淵 Sheng-Yuan Hsu
Printer | 煒陽印刷 Wei-Yang Printing Enterprise Co.,LTD
Client | 床邊圖書館 bedside books
Date | 2019